Vocal Cord Cancer

Vocal cord cancer, also known as laryngeal cancer, is a type of cancer that develops in the tissues of the larynx, which is located in the throat and contains the vocal cords. It is a relatively rare form of cancer but can have a significant impact on a person's ability to speak and breathe. There are several types of vocal cord cancer, and the most common type is squamous cell carcinoma.

Risk Factors:

Several factors can increase the risk of developing vocal cord cancer, including smoking, heavy alcohol use, exposure to certain chemicals, a history of head and neck cancer, and chronic irritation of the vocal cords.


The symptoms of vocal cord cancer can include persistent hoarseness, a lump or sore in the throat or neck, difficulty swallowing, and persistent coughing or coughing up blood.


To diagnose vocal cord cancer, a doctor may perform a physical examination, order imaging tests (such as a CT scan or MRI), and may perform a biopsy to confirm the presence of cancer.


Staging is essential to determine the extent of cancer and to plan the appropriate treatment. Stages range from 0 to IV, with higher stages indicating more advanced cancer.


Treatment options for vocal cord cancer may include surgery to remove the tumor (partial or total laryngectomy), radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The choice of treatment depends on the stage of cancer, the patient's overall health, and other factors.

Voice Restoration:

For individuals who undergo surgery to remove part or all of their larynx, there are techniques and devices available to help restore speech. These include voice prostheses and speech therapy.


The prognosis for vocal cord cancer varies depending on the stage at diagnosis and the effectiveness of treatment. Early detection and treatment can lead to a better prognosis.


Reducing the risk of vocal cord cancer involves quitting smoking, moderating alcohol consumption, and minimizing exposure to environmental irritants or chemicals.

It's essential for anyone experiencing persistent symptoms related to the throat or vocal cords to seek medical attention promptly. Early detection and treatment can improve the chances of successful outcomes and voice preservation for those with vocal cord cancer.